20 Of The Best Louise Hay Quotes To Remember Her Legacy

Louise Hay passed on today peacefully in her sleep. She was an inspiring author and the founder of an incredible publishing company called Hay House that produces content in the spiritual and consciousness realm that has shifted the lives of many…

Source: http://ift.tt/2wpRFf3

The 12 Signs Your Vibrations Are Getting Lower

Vibration is the energy that we emanate through space. It is a life force that flows through our entire body and dictates the flow of our life. It determines the events and people that we attract in our lives. This vibration fluctuates in the way we handle ourselves and life experiences…

Source: http://ift.tt/2vrHHaR

How I Induced An Out Of Body Experience Without Substances

Can you really have an out of body experience on command? Absolutely. While this is something that will take some time to practice and get good at, there are many methods to having out of body experiences or spiritual experiences on command using only your consciousness and physical body…

Source: http://ift.tt/2vjbsiS

If Human Thought Can Do This to Water, Just Imagine What It Can Do to Us

(Arjun Walia) “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” — Nikola Tesla This is exactly what’s happening right now, and it’s making its presence felt in all levels of academia…

Source: http://ift.tt/2v3NrrK

15 Life Altering Gems From The New Alan Watts’ Book: ‘Out of Your Mind’

As one of the most celebrated orators of modern history, Alan Watts (1915-1973) had a knack for getting to the heart of life’s biggest questions. Released in March 2017, his newest book — Out of Your Mind: Tricksters, Interdependence, and the Cosmic Game of Hide and Seek  — is no exception…

Source: http://ift.tt/2wS5Mc0