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Source: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertainment/television/celebrity-chef-pete-evans-axed-from-sevens-mkr/news-story/040b8d35d3d136994dfb5f2b985fdcbf

Pharmaceutical industry donates millions to both Australian political parties

The pharmaceutical industry is engaging vast numbers of lobbyists and donating millions to both political parties, creating a level of influence that a former health department secretary has linked to Australia’s high medicine prices…

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/sep/25/pharmaceutical-industry-donates-millions-to-both-australian-political-parties?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR0CdCgwpkQZhT94WH4uZatUTsb60IEHXw85xLG0gt6m8spLRwDNMcAzLNo

Pharmaceutical industry donates millions to both Australian political parties

The pharmaceutical industry is engaging vast numbers of lobbyists and donating millions to both political parties, creating a level of influence that a former health department secretary has linked to Australia’s high medicine prices…

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/sep/25/pharmaceutical-industry-donates-millions-to-both-australian-political-parties

Health Concerns Have Stopped 5G Rollout in Australia!

By B.N. Frank No matter how proponents try to spin it, the Telecom Industry has provided NO scientific evidence that 5G exposure is safe and many credible doctors and scientists insist that IT ISN’T (see 1, 2, 3). Symptoms from exposure include irritated eyes, increased sweating, and more…

Source: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=131775

KAKADU PLUM CO. Australian native bush foods and tea

The item you just added is unavailable. Please select another product or variant. The item you just added is unavailable. Please select another product or variant…

Source: https://kakaduplumco.com/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=august warm – 50+&utm_content=warm website 50+&fbclid=IwAR3tf-br-Y-vJjwsdmXb09gwnFu8N92sFi3emWxq33s4rNCd0MJc-oJJE_4

Australia’s Capilano Honey admit selling toxic and poisonous honey to consumers

Capilano Honey are putting the lives of Australians at risk by knowingly selling honey that is full of antibiotics, toxins, irradiated pollen from China and alkaloids…

Source: https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/2016/09/17/australias-capilano-honey-admit-selling-toxic-and-poisonous-honey-to-consumers/

Huawei and ZTE handed 5G network ban in Australia

Chinese smartphone maker Huawei says the Australian government has banned it from providing 5G technology for the country’s wireless networks. It said fellow communications firm ZTE had also been banned, both reportedly because of national security concerns…

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-45281495